

Ko te kete aronui – the pursuit of knowledge to help mankind

The Hikurangi Foundation is New Zealand’s incubator for low-carbon social innovation. Our core objective is to accelerate transition to a low-carbon society through practical, collaborative and entrepreneurial action in the areas of transport, energy, land use and enterprise. We aim to achieve this objective by:

  1. Long-term and hands-on investment in people and organisations that have the potential to create enduring value and accelerate New Zealand’s transition to a thriving, equitable, and resilient low-carbon society.
  2. Connecting and building partnerships between people who are committed to leading change, investing resources, and finding solutions to social and environmental challenges and market failures.
  3. Inspiring and informing a culture that understands and demands long-term thinking, innovation and collaboration.

The Hikurangi Foundation is a charitable trust that was established in 2008 by the Todd and Tindall Foundations.